Friday, March 14, 2008

The hidden administrator account in Vista

Do you was familiar with prior versions of Windows are curious what happened to the built-in Administrator account that was always created by default. Does this account still exist, and how can you access it?
In earlier versions of Windows, the built-in administrator account is enabled by default. In Vista, it's disabled. This is a better security practice. However, there are times when you might need to enable it (for instance, if you inadvertently removed administrative privileges from all user accounts and now can't perform administrative tasks). Here's how to enable it:

-Click Start and type cmd in the Search box to find the cmd.exe program.
-Right click cmd.exe and click Run As Administrator.
-At the command prompt, type net users administrator /active:yes
-Press Enter
-Log off and now you can log back on with the Administrator account. When first activated, it will not have a password.
-You should assign the Administrator account a password and/or deactivate it when you've finished using it. To deactivate it, repeat the steps above but type net users administrator /active:no


  1. Cool post suhu...ngos..ngosan aku ngasih komentar nya suhu...TOP dah buat suhu

  2. wahh cakep banget niy postingannya!! pasti laku deh bang kalau artikel di blog niy dijadiin buku..


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