Monday, June 8, 2009

Launching a new blogger template 2009 SEO n user friendly style

Hi, readers, I hope everything well with you over blogger template..Now, just launching my design of a new blogspot template again , SEO friendly ,user frienly, and browser friendly , check out here: blogger template 2009

magazine blogger template 2009 layout


  1. yang utk WPnya mana, mas Iwan??? :(

  2. hehe, belum smepet ko..coz untuk wp makan bandwith banyak/berat...mending kamu bikin sendiri aja ko, buat iseng tapi keren kok tools ini coba deh pasti asik banget, download salah satu ato ketiganya jg boleh trus coba



    dulu jg aku pernah posting yang lain kan..

    demonya ini, , bisa buat bikin theme jomla-drupal juga

  3. As with most optimization techniques, keep in mind that it takes time to see results. If you start posting a lot of comments then your rankings may improve eventually, but in most cases it takes a couple of weeks. With Yahoo and MSN you have to keep the comment posting activity going as well. If you do not keep on posting comments, those posts will get old and stale and the links will not help as much compared to links from fresher posts.

  4. hihihi... Iko gak ngerti kalau gak diajarin, kan Iko gaptek.....

  5. In today’s internet savvy world an online presence is a must for any organization weather big or small, but just a mere website of the company wont serve the purpose of reaching out and impressing the target audience, your online presence should leave an impact on the mind of the viewers, and from here comes website designing and development companies of Delhi, search engine optimization and marketing companies of Delhi and internet marketing services providing companies of Delhi in picture. These companies provide end to end solutions for all your website related issues.


Please leave your comments or your promotion links, but don't add HTML links into the comment body, because I consider it as a spam, and will be delete..

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