Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Reset Password WordPress - Can't login to wp-admin

wordpress password resetResset WordPress Password With PHP File: Based on my experience recently, that I can't login to my wp-admin on wordpress site www.ringslover.com, even I have resetting the username and password through phpmyadmin in cpanel, but it still doesn't solve the problem.

How to resetting your wp password when you've forgotten it? , if you have forgotten your wp password normally is easy to do, simply by clicking on the "Lost your password?" link under the "wp-admin or wp-login.php file", But sometimes you can't access/login to the wp-admin, due to certain problems. Iif so, what should we do?

Well..follow these steps:
  1. Download wp-password-reset.php
  2. Upload the wp-password-reset.php into your root folder of your site, e.g. public_html/wp-password-reset.php
  3. Open your browser and go to : http://YOUR-WORDPRESS-SITE/wp-password-reset.php , then fill "email" and your "new password" here..
  4. Done..remove the wp-password-reset.php, to secure.

The above file in .rar format, download win-rar here: http://www.win-rar.com/download.html


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