Thursday, September 10, 2009

Obama with his favorite Dad Jeans what's wrong

sexy Michelle Obama fashionUnlike his wife, Michelle Obama, who is considered the fashion observers as one of the fashion icons in the United States, U.S. , Michelle was a gorgeous woman and has an amazing fashion sense .

American President: Barack Obama admitted that he was not enough care in fashion styles. However, he set aside a suggestion so that he more pay attention with fashion styles.

barack obama blue jeans
"It's my attitude." Michelle, I'am a person who not not enough care about the fashion", Obama ,said, then laughs, in an interview that was conducted by the television station US NBC.

He defending himself like that, because he was get criticism from the fashion observers about outdated Levi's blue jeans, which they called them "dad jeans"

obama dad jeans"I hate shopping" .Those Jeans (Dad jeans)are comfortable. And, for you who want your president to appear good-looking with his tight jeans,I am sorry guys — I am not the guy. It just doesn’t fit me. I’m not 20 years old, he said again.

Haha...of course,sir ..I could not imagine like what if you in sexy style with your Jeans..

Anyways, some american people says that "It’s also a sad world where the President has to defend his super offensive mom jeans."...

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